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Ganxoo Media | Creació de continguts audiovisuals

Institut Català d’Energia (Generalitat de Catalunya)

L’Institut Català d’Energia (The Catalan Energy Institute) is the entity of the Generalitat de Catalunya (government of Catalonia) in charge of elaborating and carrying out the Catalan energy policy, especially about the improvement of the saving and the energetic efficiency and the development of the renewable energies.

Between February and March 2019, Generalitat de Catalunya held three working group sessions with civil society agents to address different aspects related to their powers of action. These work sessions were included in a citizen participation project that had to be recorded in audiovisual formats and communicated to all citizens of Catalonia. Ganxoo Media won the corresponding public tender to carry out these tasks and Generalitat de Catalunya awarded us the project. At the top you can watch a sample of the videos we produced for this project according to Generalitat brief.

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