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Ganxoo Media | Creació de continguts audiovisuals

Employer branding.

Audiovisual strategy that focuses on the image and reputation that a company builds as an employer. It is the way a company presents itself and is perceived by its current and potential employees. The audiovisual content of this strategy seeks to create and communicate an attractive corporate identity to attract and retain talent effectively, with a powerful and authentic visual narrative.


“En Leroy Merlin he crecido como profesional y como persona”

The aim of this audiovisual employer branding strategy is to value Leroy Merlin’s FP Dual program for study centres, education administrations, etc.


“Domino’s te da la oportunidad de trabajar, estudiar y crecer

Employer branding audiovisual strategy focused on attracting candidates to work in the different restaurants of Domino’s Pizza. These short-format reports were broadcasted on the brand’s job portals to show how they work is inside the company.


“Cuando entré en Lindt me sentí muy bien arropada”

Audiovisual employer branding strategy focused on recruiting talent to work in the Lindt offices and shops. These short-format reports were broadcasted on the brand’s job portals, with the aim of showing how the company works.


“Quan vaig entrar a Condis volia ser on soc ara, estic súper orgullós!”

Audiovisual employer branding strategy focused on recruiting talent to work in the Condis Supermercats offices. These short-format reports were broadcasted on the brand’s job portals, with the aim of showing how the company works.


“Esto no es sólo un trabajo, en Domino’s te entienden y por eso estoy aquí”

Employer Branding audiovisual strategy focused on attracting candidates to work in the different restaurants of Domino’s Pizza. These short-format reports were broadcasted on the brand’s job portals to show how they work is inside the company.


El proceso de selección de Arvato Bertelsmann

Sample of the Employer Branding audiovisual strategy produced by Ganxoo Media as the audiovisual partner of Adecco group. This strategy is focused on recruiting candidates to work for Arvato Bertelsmann’s various customer service at the company’s headquarters in Barcelona.


“La libertad que tengo aquí es lo que más me gusta de mi trabajo”

Audiovisual employer branding strategy geared toward recruiting talent for CPM Expertus as a commercial agent. These short-format reports were broadcasted on the brand’s job portals, with the aim of showing how the company works.


“El objetivo no es que os clavéis bolígrafos en la yugular por este trabajo”

Sample of the audiovisual strategy we produced for Nubelo before “Freelancer” bought it. We started working with this Catalan Start-up shortly after its creation and our business relationship lasted until the Australian company absorbed the brand. Our audiovisual strategy aimed to enhance Nubelo’s brand value through on go communication with its audience.

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