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Ganxoo Media | Creació de continguts audiovisuals

Social media.

Audiovisual content designed specifically to be broadcast on social media platforms with the aim of offering an effective way to connect with the audience, transmit brand messages and generate active participation.



Sample of the reality show "YOLO Race" (You Only Live Once), an exclusive format for TikTok that features six creators of the platform: Inmagic, Jonata_26, Sergio Jurado, Thanix_229, José Tengiz and Marta Casado on an adventure in the Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico). Each episode of "YOLO Race" is full of challenges that will test the skills and abilities of the contestants. Each episode can be seen from different points of view, with the TikTok profiles of each of the participants.


Los tips de Spontex

Sample of the audiovisual strategy produced for Spontex. It is part of a digital marketing strategy consisting of prospecting, retargeting and CRM, which highlights the use of Big Data to customize the messages and destinations of the videos served to users. Videos of this strategy are present on all platforms where there is a potential audience for Spontex, such as adservers in programmatic advertising, social media or CRM.


Amanida poke de salmó, alvocat i mango

Sample of the audiovisual strategy we produced for the screens of Areas restaurants in Europe and Latin America.


Laurix Rovira

Sample of the audiovisual strategy we produced for Oncolliga, targeted at primary school students in Catalonia, with the aim of educating in cancer prevention and how to deal with this disease.


Harness Dance

Sample of the audiovisual content strategy for social media produced for the vertical dance school of Barcelona Harness Dance, according to the company's brief and guidelines.


Tous (2012)

Sample of the audiovisual strategy produced for Tous in 2012, according to the company's guidelines, with the aim of transmitting the brand's values through its street marketing actions.

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